Computer Users’ Remote Event (CURE4)

May 2, 2020


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Congratulations to CURE4 champion Jesse Day and to Marc Woo for submitting the Best Post-quarantine Word: LIBERATE! Thanks to all the players from around the world for participating, especially those who woke up early or stayed up late.
— Jennifer and Evans, Co-directors
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Final Standings

Round-by-Round Results

  • Winners submit the results using the purple button.

  • For ties, the person who played the coolest word submits the results.

Best Post-quarantine Word

Reigning Best Word winner Terry Kang Rau chose this tournament’s category. Submit your best words to describe what you’ve missed during the worldwide lockdowns - or what you look forward to in a post-quarantine world, whenever that may come. Players can submit multiple words played. The Twitch audience and players will vote on their favorite!
