

The Collins Coalition (CoCo) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Washington. We have an elected Board of Directors and an elected Executive Director. We operate according to the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and internal Strategic Plan adopted by our Board. To promote accountability and provide an opportunity for new leaders to step up and influence the organization, we hold elections for leadership positions at least once every two years. We maintain insurance coverage for General Liability and for our Officers and Directors. In addition, every single person on our elected leadership team is required to comply with the CoCo Conflicts of Interest policy to ensure that our leadership always acts in the best interests of the organization and our community.


To lead the CoCo and grow our community, the CoCo has volunteer teams dedicated to specific areas.

  1. TECHNOLOGY: website features and functions, CoCo tournament software, database development, live streaming, running ratings.

  2. GROWTH AND OUTREACH: education strategy, public relations and raising public awareness about the cognitive benefits of Scrabble, social media, blog, website, advertising, strategies for growth, reaching new audiences, inspiring child participation, recruiting new members, retaining current members.

  3. FINANCE: fundraising, sponsorships, grant funding, budget, advertising revenue, membership fees, newcomer discounts.

  4. LEGAL: bylaws, incorporation, intellectual property, harassment, privacy policy, conduct, Terms of Use, general legal compliance, and policy violations or issues.

  5. TOURNAMENTS: sanctioning tournaments, certifying directors, ratings, rules, director resources, conduct, and policy violations or issues.

  6. CONDUCT: A combination of the Legal and Tournaments team. Handles conduct, disciplinary action, incidents, and policy violations.

If you have a question or ideas for new areas you’d like to see the CoCo explore, or are interested in joining a team, let us know!


Peter Armstrong


Evans Clinchy

Randi Goldberg

Yukiko Loritz

Rob Robinsky


2024 Board: Randi Goldberg and Evans Clinchy (Chair) were reelected to full two-year terms. Peter Armstrong, Yuki Loritz (Secretary) and Rob Robinsky (Treasurer) continued to serve.

2023 Board: Randi Goldberg filled the vacancy left by Steve Pellinen when he stepped down in early 2023. Other board members were Peter Armstrong (Treasurer), Evans Clinchy (Chair), Yuki Loritz (Secretary), and Rob Robinsky.

2022 Board: Peter Armstrong (Treasurer), Evans Clinchy (Secretary), Becky Dyer, Mike Johnson (Chair), and Steve Pellinen.

2020-2021 Board: The inaugural Board served from September 2020 through December 2021. The members of the inaugural board were Peter Armstrong (Treasurer), Conrad Bassett-Bouchard, Evans Clinchy (Secretary), Becky Dyer, Steve Pellinen, Puneet Sharma, and Geoff Thevenot (Chair).


The principal governing and decision-making body for the CoCo is its elected Board of Directors. To promote transparency, the Board publishes the decisions and action items from each Board meeting. To contact the Board, email board at cocoscrabble dot org.


  • Members: The current Board has a maximum of 5 Members. Board Members are accountable to the community through elections. Board Members are elected by the CoCo membership at large.

  • Operational Duties: Board Members have the power and responsibility to steer the growth and vision of the organization. The Board is responsible for developing and overseeing implementation of the CoCo’s organizational strategy and vision, including by adopting and periodically updating the CoCo Strategic Plan. Board Members should have a strong understanding and awareness of the needs of the Scrabble community in North America, a vision for how to foster that community, and the energy to make it happen. The Board adopts and approves amendments to the CoCo’s bylaws and Strategic Plan. The Board ensures that the organization complies with all applicable local, state, and federal law and receives recommendations from the CoCo teams. The Board tasks the Executive Director and holds the Executive Director accountable for advancing the CoCo’s mission.

  • Duties to the Organization: Board Members owe a Duty of Care, Duty of Loyalty, and Duty of Obedience to the organization and the CoCo membership at large. Board Members are subject to the CoCo Conflicts of Interest Policy, which prohibits Board Members from enriching themselves at the expense of the organization or its membership. Board Members who violate the Conflict of Interest Policy or act against the best interests of the CoCo are subject to removal proceedings.

  • Terms: Each Board Member serves a 2-year term. Currently, there is no limit on the number of consecutive terms a Board Member may serve, though each Board Member must be re-elected to the Board every election. The Board may impose term limits in future amendments to the bylaws.

  • Time Commitment: Board Members are expected to commit a minimum of two hours per month. This time will primarily be spent on the monthly meeting and any preparation needed to ensure that the meeting is productive, such as reviewing materials in advance of discussion.

  • Meetings: The Chair convenes the Board roughly once every six weeks for meetings held by video conference.

  • Eligibility: Any CoCo member who resides in North America is eligible to seek election to the Board. Board Members may concurrently serve as members or chairs of Leadership Teams.

  • Special Board Positions: Board members can serve in specific roles as Chair, Treasurer, or Secretary. These roles are chosen by the Board after election by the community. The Board Chair runs the meetings and sets the agenda. The Treasurer reviews and audits financial transactions and oversees the CoCo budget, providing accountability and independent review of all expenditures authorized by the Executive Director. To promote transparency and to enable the community to track every dollar we spend, the Treasurer publishes the CoCo budget on the Finances page. The Secretary ensures that Board meetings are transparent and properly documented to comply with applicable law.


The Executive Director (ED) leads the CoCo and serves as the head of the organization. The ED is elected by the CoCo membership and serves a one-year term. The ED authorizes expenditure of organization funds; those expenditures are subject to independent audit and review by the Board Treasurer. The ED may concurrently hold a position as a Leadership Team member or chair.

To prevent concentration of power in one person, the ED is not a voting member of the Board of Directors. The ED participates in Board meetings to provide updates and advice and is accountable to the Board. The Board has the power to establish and change term limits for the Executive Director position. The Board has authority to remove the ED for good cause shown. Any CoCo member who resides in North America is eligible to seek election to be ED

Jennifer Clinchy has served as the elected (and reelected) ED since September 2020.