Live CoveragePDXWords Scrabble Tournament Early Bird Collins DivisionAugust 30, 2024 Submit Results Tournament Results Round # * SELECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Winner * SELECT Alec Sjöholm Andrea Hatch Ather Sharif Betty Cornelison Caroline Polak Scowcroft Cheryl Melvin Conrad Bassett-Bouchard Dave Wiegand Eric Fox Gunther Jacobi Jeannie Wilson Joe Roberdeau Kolton Koehler Paula Catanese Puneet Sharma Ruth Hamilton Travis Chaney Winter Bye Test Player Winner's Score * Opponent * SELECT Alec Sjöholm Andrea Hatch Ather Sharif Betty Cornelison Caroline Polak Scowcroft Cheryl Melvin Conrad Bassett-Bouchard Dave Wiegand Eric Fox Gunther Jacobi Jeannie Wilson Joe Roberdeau Kolton Koehler Paula Catanese Puneet Sharma Ruth Hamilton Travis Chaney Winter Bye Opponent's Score * Did the winner go first or second? * First Second Opponent Affirmation * Show your screen to your opponent. Confirm that your opponent agrees with the results you're submitting here. Confirmed! Thanks for coming to the tournament and for submitting your results! Statistics About the Tourney STANDINGS PAIRINGS RESULTS