An update on the CoCo's finances
Hi, everyone. It's an important time for the CoCo, as we're beginning to prepare for the restart of live tournaments. In the meantime, one of our strategies has been to try to consistently provide online opportunities for play, including a weekly club and tournaments.
As for the organization's finances, I'm pleased to report that our cash reserves have increased over the past six months.
We're seeing consistency in our donations, and thank you to those who have donated. Your donations have helped cover our operating expenses, and are helping us prepare for live tournaments.
In other financial news, we now have a nonprofit bank account. Our 501(c)(3) application is currently being processed by the IRS, so stay tuned for more updates. Also, we would not have made this progress without the valuable work of Becky Dyer and Jennifer Clinchy, so thanks very much to them.
On a final note, I'm currently the codirector of the online CoCo club on Tuesday evenings, so please show up to the club room on Woogles if you're looking for some competitive Collins games.
Also, if you missed it, I will be codirecting a Clabbers tournament with Evans Clinchy on June 12. I'm really excited to see Clabbers streamed on Twitch.