Announcing 4 West Coast Scrabble tournaments in late 2024

The West Coast, of both the U.S. and Canada, is already one of the world's great hotbeds for Scrabble. There are numerous big cities jam-packed with players, no shortage of directors running tournaments, several high-profile top experts headlining events, and a depth of players - from experts to intermediates to novices - filling out fields.

It's an embarrassment of riches out West, and - wouldn't you know it? - it's about to get even richer.

Today, we're excited to announce four new West Coast tournaments, all set to take place later in 2024. Let's run through them...

A weekend of 1-days in Seattle

For the last couple of years now, Jennifer and I have really enjoyed hosting players at our home in northeast Seattle, so we decided to run that back again this year with a pair of 1-day tournaments over a weekend in late October. The Pacific Northwest is beautiful in the fall, so we highly encourage players from near and far to come join us.

We like mixing the "pair of 1-days" tournament model into our routine once in a while. If you're traveling here from out of town, you have the option of playing a full 14 games of Scrabble, which is a pretty nice bang for your travel buck. But if your schedule is a little tricky, and you're only able to stop by briefly, you have the option of playing just the one day or the other. So - come play with us! We'd love to see you here on Oct. 26, Oct. 27, or both if you're so inclined.

The return of the California Open

Dating all the way back to the mid-aughts, the California Open has been one of the most beloved Scrabble tournaments in North America. Year after year, players have flocked to San Francisco to enjoy a long weekend of competitive Scrabble in a world-class city.

It was a wayward few years there for the CO - first, there was some time off due to the pandemic, and then the event temporarily migrated south to Palm Springs in 2023. But in '24, the California Open that you know and love is back! Thanks to director Edward De Guzman, the tournament is returning to its traditional home in downtown San Fran, and it's scheduled for the weekend of Dec. 6. So make your plans now to attend the 15th annual (!!!) California Open.

A December event in Vancouver

Who's ready for some Scrabble north of the border? We certainly are.

We were pleased to welcome our first Canadian tournament director in 2023, as Chris Tallman signed on and started running events in Vancouver last summer - and then Chris up and left for New Zealand on us! (Not cool, man.) But with Chris and his partner Tara returning to visit us North Americans in December, there's time to squeeze in a 2-day event in December. So come up on up to Vancouver - it's our first multi-day tournament there, and almost certainly not our last.

All of these events are open for registration today. So, if you're looking for some Scrabble action out West later this year, you know what to do - head on over to our tournaments page and sign up now.


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