Looking ahead to Word Cup 2025

We're still more than 4 months out from the start of this summer's Word Cup. There's a long way to go between now and the weekend of Aug. 2, when the festivities get underway - and there's a whole lot of other Scrabble to be played in the interim.

And yet... and yet... and yet. You can already feel it in the air. It's undeniable. The excitement for Word Cup 2025 is building.

I've started to get more locked in on Word Cup planning in just the last few weeks. I've been thinking about organizing the event, figuring out logistics about divisions and pairings and whatnot, and, most importantly, asking around the player community, seeing who's interested in coming to St. Louis to play this year.

And the response has been overwhelmingly positive. There are lots and lots and lots of people looking forward to playing this tournament. All sorts of people. Some live near St. Louis and can stumble right over; others are coming from far away. Some are top experts; others are intermediate and novice players. Some are regulars on the tournament scene; others haven't played much Scrabble at all lately. All of them have one thing in common: They're enthusiastically making their plans to be at this tournament.

As of this writing, we've got 43 players on the entrants list for Word Cup CSW. And we're just getting started. Again: We've got more than 4 months to go. We can only assume this field will grow much, much larger before all's said and done.

With a robust group of players like this, a lot of things become possible. For starters, you can expect strong competition in both divisions. At this moment, we've got stacked Division 1, with 24 players including a lot of top experts; we've also got a deep and diverse second group, with 19 players running the whole rating gamut.

You can expect a hefty prize pool. And we're not just talking about payouts to the top performers - with an event like this, there's plenty of cash to hand out to the very tip-top finishers and deeper into the prize table as well.

You can also expect a great sense of camaraderie among the CSW field, as well as a sense of just... bigness! This is going to look and feel like a big, bustling championship event. There's nothing else in Scrabble quite like it.

This year's Word Cup has got the total package. We've got a really nice venue, in a really cool city. We've got a solid group of people on board to direct, across both lexica. We've got an awesome field that's getting more awesome by the day. And perhaps most notably, what we've really got right now is momentum. Something is building here, and it's something really cool and exciting. I don't know how you could look at this tournament and not want to be a part of it.

If you're already on the entrants list for Word Cup - awesome! We can't wait to see you in St. Louis. If you're reading this and realizing you need to get yourself on that list, pronto - good thing you finally realized it! It's about time, jeez.

Nah, I'm just playing. Welcome. Head on over to our Word Cup 2025 page and get yourself signed up today.


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