Announcing our new network of CoCo Clubs

Ever since we first launched the CoCo five years ago, we have ranked growing the game high among our strategic goals. Seriously - you can look it up. We've always believed that there are millions of people out there who love the game of Scrabble, and it's our responsibility to find those people, tap into their enthusiasm, and bring as many of them as possible into the tournament scene we all know and love.

We've done as much of that as we can in the five years since. We've been running tournaments all over North America. We've been promoting the game through livestreams and YouTube videos and all sorts of other engaging content. We've been recruiting more directors, more players, more, more, more.

But through it all, there's one thing we could've been doing a little bit better: driving growth at the grassroots level. Putting our feet in the ground in cities all across the continent, one after another, and really engaging with players locally. In other words, building interest in our community from the ground up.

Today, we're here to announce that we're taking one small step toward better achieving that goal. We're building out a network of CoCo Clubs - little groups of people in local areas who are interested in meeting up and playing some CSW Scrabble. Starting today, anyone and everyone can browse over to our clubs page, find a city near them, and get in touch with someone for some games.

We're going to start pretty small. As of this writing, we only have six clubs listed, and most of them are concentrated in pockets of the U.S. where the CoCo presence is already strong. But our hope is to take this initial list and snowball it into something much larger. The vision is that a few more Scrabblers out there see this directory and want to be a part of it, then a few more, then a few more, and eventually we've got a booming presence across North America. Because after all, isn't that how grassroots movements are supposed to work?

For now, we encourage people in these six localities to meet up for some Scrabble. Find the contact person or persons in your area, contact them, and enjoy some games, starting right away! If you live in one of these places, or enjoy visiting one, or just happen to be passing through one sometime, link up with these club organizers and enjoy some good times over the board.

And then, over the long term: Let's grow this network of clubs into something larger. Let's spread the word across the six cities where we've set up shop so far - we can try to grow all of these clubs into something more robust. And then let's add more clubs to the list! At CoCo HQ, we are certainly eager to do so. If you know of anyone, anyplace who'd like to be a part of this, let us know. Our inbox is always open.

And then, over the even longer term: Let's use these clubs as a springboard to get people into tournament Scrabble. Make no mistake about it - we are serious about growing the game. And we believe strongly that connecting with people at the local level and building up from there is the way to do it. So, if you believe that too, then let's join forces, and let's build this CoCo community up for real. Let's put in the work, one little club session at a time.


Sending out our first-ever CoCo Player Survey


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