Sending out our first-ever CoCo Player Survey

If there's one thing we've been clear about since day one, it's that our commitment to democracy is a major factor that sets us apart as an organization. That's why we put our leadership team up for election every year. It's why we're transparent about everything from our tournament budgets to our monthly board meeting minutes. It's why we do everything in our power to listen to your opinions and value the things you value when we go about making decisions.

That last part is admittedly tricky, though. How can we be sure, organization-wide, that we're taking our cues from the player community, listening to your demands, and advocating for you? We certainly try to. As I often repeat on this here blog, our inbox is always open. And all of our leaders, across the board, make an effort to engage with players when we see them in person at tournaments, so we can keep an ear to the ground and listen to player feedback.

Of course, all that gets you is a few little snippets. An email here, a conversation there - you're taking snapshots, but you're not getting the complete, panoramic view of public opinion in the Scrabble world.

So, for that...

Today, for the first time, we're sending our CoCo Player Survey out to the entire CoCo membership. This questionnaire will ask players about a whole range of tournament Scrabble-related topics, including but not limited to...

  • What forms of communication could we be using more to reach you with Scrabble news?

  • Where would you like to see a major Scrabble championship held - what region? What city?

  • What could we do to attract new players to tournament Scrabble?

  • What could we do to retain existing players?

  • How can we make life easier for directors?

...and so on, and so forth. If you'd like to see more, I recommend you pop open your inbox and take a look for yourself. This survey went out this morning to all CoCo members (a member is defined as anyone who has ever registered for a tournament, in-person or online) - so, if you're reading this, chances are you got one.

Our plan here is simple. We're looking to seek out your opinions, compile all your feedback, and use it to be truer to our democratic ideals than ever. After all, there's no better way to advocate for your values than to have complete, comprehensive data on what they are. So, starting today, that's the direction we're headed. Thanks in advance to all of you for sharing your thoughts.


Previewing the 7th annual Hood River Open


Announcing our new network of CoCo Clubs