Unveiling our 'CoCo News' email series

If you've ever taken a really, really deep dive into the recesses of our website, I suppose it's possible you've noticed it: About halfway down the "Contact" page, below the fold, tucked away in obscurity, there's a little button that takes you to a form where you can join our mailing list.

Probably only the most diehard CoCo fans are aware that this is a thing. Heck, I'm on our site pretty much every day, and I don't even think I remembered it's a thing. And yet, slowly but surely, we've somehow managed to accumulate a decent-sized mailing list over the years. Most people are on it automatically because they've signed up for in-person tournaments; a smattering of others were added because they sent us a request at some point over the last half-decade.

For the most part, though, it's been pretty quiet on the email front. It's been so quiet, in fact, that people have noticed, and they've started asking questions.

"Where are the emails?" a few players have inquired. "Is your account broken or something?"

I'm here today to tell you definitively that no, it's not - we've just been lazy. We really should write to you all more. And I'm also here to say we're going to start to make good on that promise in 2025.

If you checked your inbox on Friday morning, you saw proof of that. We just sent the first installment of "CoCo News" to our full membership this past week, and we hope you liked what you saw.

We're going for a fairly clean, simple approach to an email newsletter - a few quick-hitting news stories, a few links to upcoming tournaments, and that's a wrap. We're not looking to bore you all with a long-winded email about everything under the sun - rather, we just want to check in occasionally and give you an easy, digestible recap of what's new. The plan is to start small, sending just one email a month to start, and see how you all respond. For now, the plan is to write to you on the first Friday of the month.

We're excited to finally get this thing launched! It's a project we've been talking about for a while in board meetings, other internal discussions, and so forth. Email represents a real opportunity for us to connect better with you, the player community - to announce tournaments, to introduce new growth initiatives, and just generally to keep our brand front of mind. Sending you all regular emails is something that's, frankly, long overdue.

And it's something we hope is appreciated. After all, you - the readers - are the whole point here. The goal is to get in touch with you all and share information with you that's interesting and relevant to your Scrabble-playing lives. This is your space, and we hope to use it to deliver all sorts of news that you want to hear.

So, if you have any feedback on what you're looking for in a CoCo email, let us know. Our inbox is always open. Or if you're not on our mailing list yet and you want to be, head over to our signup page and remedy that. Either way, we'd love to hear from you. Yes, our email account works! And we're always eager to start a conversation with you.


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